July 10, 2021 - August 20, 2021
Exhibition Artwork
Our Reception
Meet the Artists
Kit-Keung Kan

Kit-Keung Kan was born in Panyu, China. He studied traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy at an early age. He first exhibited his work and participated in art competitions in Hong Kong in 1964. He obtained his PhD degree in Physics from University of Maryland in 1975. Since then, he has held more than forty solo exhibitions and participated in more than a hundred two-person and group exhibitions in China, US, Taipei, Hong Kong, and other cities in the world. His painting evolved from the use of traditional techniques to study rural landscapes of Hong Kong to abstraction through simplification. Later, he developed his painting vocabulary anew and embarked on paintings specialized on whitewater and waterfalls. He uses short brush strokes, or pointillism techniques to bring out the rhythm and power of the torrential water. He also likes to paint winter trees, pines and cedars. His treatment is realistic, but often borders on abstraction. In calligraphy, he has established individualistic styles in all of the five major scripts. He also works on installations with his calligraphy in the past fifteen years. His work is collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, American Embassy in Moscow, International Monetary Fund, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Copelouzos Museum in Athens, Greece, and many private and corporate collectors.
靳傑強生於廣東番禺,早年隨梁伯譽、週一峰、和靳微天習中國畫,區建公習書法、篆刻,六四年開始在香港參加公開展覽,七五年獲美國利蘭州大學物理學博士。他曾在中國、美國、香港、台灣和其它地方舉辦個展四十多次,參加雙人展和聯展一百多次,他的畫風從描寫香港郊野山水出發,漸入簡化抽象,而再演化為寫實,從新發展自己特有的繪畫語言,二十多年來喜作激流瀑布,以積點法寫奔放的流水,表現自然的韻律和力量,又愛寫寒林、松栢,風格寫實但具抽象意味。書法兼善各體,近年喜以書法作裝置藝術。作品典藏包括香港藝術館、香港中文大學、美國駐莫斯科大使館、世界金融金基會、美國科學促進協會、和希臘雅典Copelouzos 美術館等。
Bertrand Mao

Mao is now 89 years old. He was a faculty member at University of Maryland University College, at the Institute for Learning in Retirement at American University, and at the Metropolitan Center for the Visual Arts in Rockville, Maryland. He has demonstrated and lectured widely at universities, libraries, art museums, and government institutions in the greater Washington, D.C. area and exhibited his artwork in solo and group exhibitions in the United States, Taiwan, India, China, and Russia. Mao has lived in Rockville for more than thirty-five years.
毛戎一九三二年出生江蘇省,七十多年來習畫作畫不綴。繪畫題材多山水、花卉,用中國傳統筆、墨在宣紙上傳以淡彩。如同許多傳統的文人畫家一樣,毛氏曾在政府任職,僅於間暇時間從事書畫。一九六五年於喬治城法學院畢業後,毛氏曾任中華⺠國駐華盛頓大使館文化組組⻓,行政院教育部高教司司⻓。一九九零年退休後,毛氏重新以其對書畫的愛好,薪火相傳,再創一番新的事業。對毛氏來說,中國書畫同源,屬共生的藝術形式。他說「中國書法不僅是優美的手跡,它更賦有文化、詩意、音律,就像幅美麗的圖畫; 同時極少例外的,一個好畫家必然也是個好書法家。」甚至可以這麼說: 中國畫是用筆寫出來的,而中國書法是用筆劃出來的。 毛戎曾在馬里蘭大學、私立美國大學退休進修中心教學,是⻢里蘭州洛克維爾市大都會視覺藝術中心的駐場藝術家。其足跡遍布大華盛頓地區各個大學、圖書館、美術館、以及政府機構,在那裡從事書畫演講、教學、與示範。毛氏的作品曾在美國、台灣、印度、中國、與蘇俄各地以個展或聯展方式展出。他⻓住洛克維爾市已經逾三十餘年。
Ming Ming Cheung

Ms. Ming Ming Cheung’s ancestral hometown was in Anhui, China. She graduated from Beijing’s Central Academy, having studied in the field of interior design and arts. She moved to Hong Kong in 1976. Then, three years later, she finally immigrated to the United States where she eventually settled in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. She pursued further studies at the Washington International interior design Institute She is known for her excellent work in murals, residential faux finish and artistic design. After completion of her studies, she did interior design work for commercial businesses and for private individuals, as well as decorative paintings and murals. Her works include commercial wall paintings done in sports clubs and bowling alleys. She also painted murals in army military clubs (officer and enlisted). These clubs were located in CONUS (Continental United States) as well as in overseas military bases in Korea, Japan and England. She also did murals in Chinese-American restaurants and the Spanish World Expo at the U.S. Consulate in Spain.
Some of her more notable wall paintings and murals were done in Middle Eastern and European countries. For instance, she painted murals for Jordan’s Family Royal Palace and for the King Hussein Airport in Jordan. She also did murals in the Prince of Saudi Arabia’s villa. Additionally, she did wall paintings for non-royal clients in Greece, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and the United States, large mansions of wealthy individuals. She used faux finish to decorate the U.S. Vice President’s official residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C. and the Museum of Woman Painters, also in D.C. An additional noteworthy accomplishment of Ms. Cheung was that she was the director of arts for the Beijing Story that made a movie about the Great Wall.
Ms. Cheung is currently residing in Northern Virginia. Although she is officially retired, she never stops working. She continues her painting activities, as well as engaging in creative writing. She also teaches painting and drawing to aspiring art students.
張明明,女,祖籍安徽。畢業於中國北京中央工藝美術學院室內設計系,1976年移居香港,1979年移民美國,並就學於美國華盛頓國際室內設計學院。畢業後從事商業和民用室內設計、裝飾繪畫和壁畫。作品包括: 商業壁畫:體育中心、保齡球中心、美軍士兵和軍官俱樂部遍布美國、韓國、日本、英國;中美餐館、西班牙世博美國駐西班牙領事館 皇室壁畫:約旦國王胡森皇宮和皇室機場、沙特阿拉伯王子別墅 民用壁畫:希臘、沙特阿拉伯、黎巴嫩、美國等地區的豪宅 裝飾畫:美國副總統官邸、華盛頓市婦女畫家博物館 藝術指導:電影《北京的故事》 張明明現已退休,定居美國維爾吉尼亞州,專心繪畫創作及寫作。
John Shun-Chieh Wang

John Shun-Chieh Wang was born into a scholarly family in Taiwan in 1947. His father, Wang Jing-yang (1905-1959), a master calligrapher and painter, began teaching him calligraphy at the age of six. In 1979, Wang settled in the Washington, D.C. area where he is recognized as a master calligrapher and seal carver.
Wang has been working as research specialist/volunteer for the Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art since 1998, also at Library of Congress (2006 -2012) as consultant on rare books and seals study, and until 2015, taught at George Washington University. Wang currently teaches calligraphy regularly for The Smithsonian Associates and at his 159 Art Studio located in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
王純傑字粹人,1973年台北「印石珍賞會」創始人之一。1979年移居美國。1998年起在美國史密森國家博物院 (Smithsonian Institution) 所屬國家亞洲美術館 (National Museum of Asian Art) 擔任義工/研究專員至今。2006年並職美國國會圖書館亞洲部,合編《美國國會圖書館中文古籍藏書鈐記選萃》;2004年任教於喬治華盛頓大學,2015年退休後繼續於史密森協會藝術工作室及其私人工作室教授書法。著作有「孔子世家贊」集刻及有關印石篆刻與書法教學方面之論文和視頻。
Dongpei He

Dongpei He currently is living in Virginia U.S. She studied at Si Chuan Fine Arts Institute from 1984 to 1992 and received a B.A degree. She is the vice-president of the Chinese Culture and Art League (CCAL) in Washington DC and a member of Maryland Federation of Art (MFA). She is working as a software developer. For the past 10 years, she has been teaching watercolor and Chinese painting to local communities. After coming to the United States, she has been exploring techniques combining traditional Chinese painting and watercolor. She has developed an unique style that gives a new look to the brush strokes and colors on rice paper, an especially absorbent kind of paper. Her inspiration comes from the impact of information technology on people’s work and life. While she enjoys the excitement of information technology, she feels her connection to Mother Nature is stronger.
1992年畢業於四川美術學院工藝美術系,獲得學士學位。 1988年畢業於四川美術學院附中。1993年定居美國。華盛頓中華文化藝術同盟協會(CCAL)副會長,馬里蘭州藝術家聯盟會員。來美國後,看到很多精彩的水彩畫,開始償試並對結合水彩和中國傳統水墨畫技法出現的特殊效果產生濃厚的興趣。現在從事計算機方面的工作。十多年來,工作之餘一直在社區堅持教授水彩畫及國畫。創作靈感來自高科技及當下信息革命浪潮對工作和生活的衝擊,在忙碌的生活節奏中對生命和幸福的思考。在享受高科技帶來的便捷生活的同時,心卻離大自然越來越近。她很陶醉於用色彩和筆墨感知大自然的心跳。
Yuming Sun

Yuming Sun was born at 1963. He obtained his BS degree and Master degree from China. He came to U.S. at 1991. Now, he works for a defense contractor at Dulles, Virginia. He learned calligraphy art by himself when he was child. He spent a lot time on famous Chinese ancient masterpiece, and finally made his own style. Yuming Sun was president of Tsinghua Calligraphy Institute in 1982. He became a member of Beijing Calligrapher Association in 1984. His works appeared on many newspapers, magazines and art exhibitions.
孫宇明從小開始學習書法,然而並無師承,全靠自學。早年試圖以行草為側重點,把碑和帖的內涵溶為一體,追求一種明快、清新又生動的氣韻,既反映南方的秀麗,又體現北方的雄渾。近年來開始探索現代書法,追求密集構圖,將重複,重疊等非傳統的技法引入書法中。其篆刻作品從漢印出發,鑽研明清各流派,並明確反映出時代氣息,已達到了融古鑄今的較高境界。 除書法篆刻外,孫宇明還精於詩詞散文寫作,其回憶錄《往事不堪回首還回首》在北美華人社區曾引起較大的反響。孫宇明還擅長攝影,其獨特的中國工筆劃意攝影,將詩詞,書法,繪畫,篆刻都融入攝影作品,很受廣大讀者的歡迎。攝影作品集《華翰墨影》2017年在美國出版。 孫宇明現在擔任北美四海書院副院長,為弘揚中華文化做了許多工作。
Edwin Yao

Edwin Yao was born in China in 1945 and was grown up in Taiwan. He retired from Honeywell Inc. as a Computer Senior System Analyst. He learned Chinese Painting from Master Chang-Yi and Master Henry Wo Yue-Kee. He taught Chinese landscape painting in Arlington, Virginia. Recently he works on Chinese tiger paintings. Other than painting, Mr. Yao also is a writer of fictions.
Quanxuan Shuai

Quanxuan Shuai, was born in Chengdu, China in 1969. He started learning Western painting at the age of 16. His Journal, In the real world, things are never ideal. Even though I did not sleep well last night and in spite of the difficulties of life, I calmly sat down, looked at my subject and began to paint. Stroke by stoke, I painted. I don’t care what other people think. Under better conditions, my painting would be perfect, smooth and beautiful. However, this perfection does not come from divine intervention. It is only through persistence that my limited ability can express itself. It is a lie to think this ability was bestowed on me from some unknown deity. This is simply not true. You just need to understand this. So, I just paint!
帥權軒,祖籍成都,1969年。 16歲習畫。他的創作過程:那並不需要多麼好的狀態,而是儘管昨晚沒睡好,儘管面對苦難人生,而冷靜地坐下來,用力瞪著對象,一點一筆地去描繪,不用管別人如何評價。在良好的狀態下,畫出來的東西儘管畫美筆暢,並非神的榮耀---神的榮耀:那勉強折中的辦法來表達有限,那僅是我們所需的一個謊言。一件不可能的事,這需要明白,因此我們僅是畫而已。
Wei Xiao

Ms. Wei Xiao, she is a member of the Chinese Culture and Art League.
Ms. Xiao has been learning and practicing calligraphy and painting since childhood. She pick up Chinese calligraphy and brush painting in 1997 in USA. Ms. Xiao continued the study of Chinese painting and calligraphy under Kit Keung Kan, and brush painting, she recently started to paint in watercolor and western watercolor from her teacher MingMing Cheung. She has attended a number of the Chinese Culture and Art League show in Maryland and China. She also attended a number of the Sumi-e show in Maryland and Canada. She has attended other exhibits in the field of calligraphy and brush painting in Maryland.
蕭偉, 自幼喜愛書法,繪畫,1997 年重拾畫筆。她是中華文化藝術同盟會會員。十幾年來跟隨靳傑強老師,Freda 李老師學習國畫和書法。近幾年又拜張明明老師學習水彩,學習西方美術透視及色彩技法。曾多次參加中華文化同盟會在馬里蘭州,北京,蘇州等地展出。及多次參加美國墨繪協會在馬里蘭州,和加拿大的書法及繪畫展出。和一些其它的書法和繪畫展出。
Freda Lee-McCann

Freda Lee-McCann was born in Washington, D.C. and grew up in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan where she studied painting with Huang Junbi (b. 1914-1991) and C. B. King. She returned to the US in 1960 to study mathematics at the University of Maryland. In 1982, while working as a mathematician at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Freda resumed her painting studies with the painter-connoisseur until 2003 C. C. Wang (1907–2003). While ink brushstrokes are the major element in traditional Chinese painting, Lee combines this technique with non-Asian watercolors. In a recent breakthrough, I began to bridge the traditional Chinese brushwork that I learned as a youth and the more dramatic Western style of painting. This combination allows me to speak about my emotions but with the discipline that good painting requires. She has shown her work extensively in the Washington Metro Area. Her work has been collected in the US, Canada and Hong Kong. She has been teaching traditional Chinese Landscape painting at CCACC since 2011. She has been a member of the Studio Gallery in DC since 2006.
李澄華, 華盛頓市出生, 在中國長大。遊學於香港、台灣。自動喜繪畫,師從黃君壁(1914—1991),金勤伯。 1960年返回美國,畢業於馬里蘭州大學數學系,任職於於約翰-哈普金大學醫學實驗室。並隨王已千1907—2003續繼學習中國畫。近年來她僅用國畫筆法結合西方畫的材料自創一種獨有的中國风西畫。李澄華說:我開始用青年時學習的毛筆枝法和比較誇張的西方繪畫形式相結合,使我感到駕馭這種新藝術形式,我能夠像個藝術家那樣充分錶現出我內心的感受。
Eddie Kang

Immigrated to the US from Taiwan in 1972. Now a resident in Maryland. Past President of PPSGW 2017 – 2018 (Professional Photographers Society of Greater Washington) Member of PPA (Professional Photographers of America)
PPA Master of Photography PPA Certified Professional Photographer Maryland PPA Fellow Photographer
康世京 1972 年來自台灣,現居馬里蘭。
2017 - 2018 大華府職業攝影師協會會長
Ping Tong

Dr. Ping Tong was born in Yichang, Hubei Province and raised in Jiangsu Province in China. She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from the Nanjing College of Pharmacy (currently known as China Pharmaceutical University) in 1985. She worked as a researcher in the Infectious Disease Institute in Beijing till her departure to the United States in 1993. She obtained a Master’s Degree in Industrial Pharmacy from the College of Pharmacy, University of Toledo in 1995, and a Ph.D., degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2000. Between 2000 and 2013, she worked as a formulation scientist in the R&D section of Abbott Laboratories (now AbbVie, Inc.), a global innovative pharmaceutical company headquartered in North Chicago, Illinois. She moved to Montgomery County, Maryland in 2013 and had since worked for the FDA as a chemistry reviewer for generic drug applications. Although painting has been a dream since her childhood, she only began to paint in 2018. A self-taught artist with keen desires to express her love of nature, Ping has developed a simple, vibrant and realistic style over the past three years. Currently her interest is mainly on floral and landscape watercolors. She also does portraits for people.
童平,女,祖籍江蘇。 1985年畢業於南京藥學院(現中國藥科大學),此後就職於北京的藥學科研機構。 1993年赴美求學,1995年和2000年分別獲得托萊多大學和威斯康辛大學藥學院的藥學碩士和博士學位。曾多年就職於美國製藥公司從事新藥研發工作。 2013年從芝加哥移居馬里蘭州蒙哥馬利縣。目前在美國藥品食品管理局從事仿製藥的審批工作。自2018年起業餘自學繪畫,主攻花卉水彩和風景畫,對人物繪畫也感興趣。
Lu Wei

Lu Wei graduated from the University of Qinghua in 2001with a major in fine arts. After graduation, she worked for the Taiwan Deng Yuan Ceramic Company where she did ceramic designs. After working there for over three years, she left and took a job with the Beijing Scientific Publishing Company where she did creative illustrations for children’s books. She has published more than one hundred illustrations in books and magazines. She came to the United States in 2007 and taught art at the Hope Chinese School and U.S. Arts Center. Many of her works were bought by private collectors. In 2013 she was awarded an Honorable Mention from the Celebrate the Season of Art Exhibit in Fairfax City. In 2014 her works were shown at the annual Vienna Art Society’s 45th Treasury of Art Show and Sale where a jury selected one of her works for an award. Also, in 2014 she received the Mayor Jane Seeman Award for her watercolor painting done for the Fairfax Art Society. In 2015 the Fairfax Art Society Art Competition awarded her an Honorable Mention for her sketches that were incorporated into the book titled Strokes of Genius 2 - The Best of Drawing Light and Shadow. Currently, Ms. Lu Wei resides in Northern Virginia and she has a studio for teaching art.
魯桅畢業於清華大學美術學院,畢業後在設計公司負責陶瓷設計工作3年,後從轉為插圖創作工作,有百餘幅作品出版。來到美國後從事藝術教育,多幅作品被私人收藏。 2013年獲得Honorable Mention in “Celebrate The Season of Art in City of Fairfax”;2014年作品在Vienna Arts Society's 45th annual Treasury of art juried show and sale獲評選獎;同年獲得“Mayor Jane Seeman Memorial Award”;素描作品被收錄在“Strokes of Genius 2-the best of drawing light and shadow”一書中。
Douglas Huang

Douglas Huang was born in Anhui Luan. He has loved mathematics and Chinese calligraphy since he was young. He holds a bachelor and master degree in Math from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC in Hefei), as well as a PhD in Math from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has been working in financial risk management and investment area since 1996. During his studies in USTC, he organized several exhibitions of Chinese painting and calligraphy. He learned brush techniques and regular styled calligraphy from Tang’s master calligraphers: Yan Zhengqing and Liu Gongquan. He also learned running script from the Sage of Calligraphy, Wang Xizhi, and Song’s master calligraphers: Mi Fu and Huang Tingjian. Mr. Huang is pursuing and shaping his personal running script. Currently he serves as the CEO of Chinese Culture and Art League.
Douglas Huang黃河子,又名黃道德。安徽六安人。自幼喜愛書法與數學。中國科學技術大學數學學士,碩士。 University of Wisconsin-Madison 數學博士。自1996年至今, 從事金融風險管理、投資方面的工作。在中國科大讀書時曾多次組織、參加大學生和研究生書畫展覽。楷書臨顏柳。行書學王羲之,米芾,黃庭堅等。借吸取眾家之長,以形成自己的風格。其行書作品,力求灑脫遒勁。現任中華文化藝術同盟會長。
Jenny Wang

Born in China in 1951, Jianrong (Jenny) Wang is also known by her pen name Qianqing. A former member of the American Ink-Painting Association, she is the Vice President of Northern Virginia Painting and Calligraphy Association, a member of the Chinese Culture and Arts League as well as an instructor of art at the Hope Chinese School.
Carol Chow

Carol Chow was born in China. She immigrated to the United States when she was 8. She studied Art and Art History at Brown University. Carol has worked in many areas of the creative field and has a multidisciplinary approach to art. She worked as a lace designer before studying computer graphics and design. Carol founded an internet advertising company that was merged with Monster Worldwide. She went on to study gemology and jewelry design. Carol started painting again recently and enjoys the process of bringing life to a blank canvas.
Dora Fugh Lee

Watercolorist and sculptress Dora Fugh Lee was born in Beijing in 1930 and began painting with the traditional Chinese master Yan Shaoxiang at age twelve, during the Sino Japanese War. Lived and educated in the old city during the occupied Beijing till the end of the second World War in 1945. then the ensuing chaotic civil war spreading out ,in1949 Dora moved with her husband Wenhan Lee to Tokyo, Japan . In Tokyo she met the eminent descendant of the imperial Aisin-Gioro family Prince Pu Ru, Xinyu Who was a friend of Dora’s grandfather. Prince Pu Ru the respected distinguished scholar, calligrapher and painter of 20th century had Dora under his tutelage while he was in Tokyo 1955-1956.
In 1957 Dora and her husband settled in Washington, D.C .The stately Greek architecture along the wide avenue in the nation’s Capital has an intriguing impact on Dora’s sensibility, it reminds her of the tall magnificent columns of the Forbidden City in Beijing back home. The grandeur of the capital architecture and the beauty of the urban various architecture , all that evoked Dora’s new urge to depict the fresh scope of her painting subject .Years of trying ,faltering and searching, what sustain her is her teacher Pu’s encouraging words echoing in her mind, “Now, you are a toddler but eventually you will walk all by yourself”
Eventually Dora found her way and walked by herself. Her watercolor infused the traditional training and western Post-Impressionist color. Her Works celebrate the monumental and historic sites of Beijing ,New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Hong Kong, Paris, London and many other places. Dora's unique style has won her many awards and ardent reviews .Her paintings can be found in the Smithsonian Institution, the Washington National Cathedral, the National Museum of Women in the Arts and china Institute. New York.
In the late 69’s Dora developeda new love in sculpture and under Pietro Lazzari’s guidance she practiced the newly learned three dimensional art form. Her bronze busts of Charles Lang Freer, founder of the Freer Gallery, can be seen at the National Portrait Gallery and the Pearl Buck (1892-1973) bust can be found in the Buck Foundation and the Academy of Arts and Letters. Dora Fugh Lee currently lives in Silver Spring, Maryland.
1930年生於北京,十二歲從傳統畫家晏少翔學畫。中日戰爭期間鐸若在淪陷的北京長大受教育直至1945年戰爭結束,及第二次世界大戰。國共內戰末期1949年鐸若與丈夫李文翰移居日本東京。在該處偶於祖父舊友溥儒心畬先生。溥 師為二十世紀著名之文人學者、書法及畫家。愛新覺羅.溥儒是清朝皇族恭王之孫。鐸若在溥師門下深造一年,至溥師返臺1955-1956。
鐸若的水彩----中國傳統的基礎及西洋後期的印象的色彩,這於眾不同的風格,為她獲獎無數,佳評亦眾多。在國立史密森博物館、紐約的華美協進社、華盛頓國家大教堂、以及國立婦女美術館都收有她的作品。她同時也是一位傑出的雕塑家,1968年,鐸若由Pietro Lazzari的指導下,迅速地在立體 藝術雕塑方面發展,其作品查裏士.朗.佛利爾(1854-1919) 於賽珍珠(1892-1973)所塑的半身銅像,分別為國立肖像館於賽珍珠基金會收藏。傅氏現住馬裏蘭州銀泉市。
Feng Zhou

Ms. Feng Zhou was born in China, moved to the United States in 1980s. She loves the fine art since her childhood. After years of studying mathematics, parenting, and working, she still had an undying passion for art and decided to pick up the brush again. Her first love was Chinese calligraphy and insisted practicing for years. Currently she studies Chinese calligraphy with Dr. John Wang calligrapher. Earlier, she studied Chinese brush panting with Mr. Mu and Mr. Mao, two masters in Chinese arts. These trainings improved her calligraphy and painting skills greatly. She dabbled in oil painting during high school. Last year, she started painting still life and en plein air landscapes in oil, to further improve their painting skills. She wants to develop her own styles by blending the oriental ink painting techniques with the magnificent western colors. Pieces on display are paintings of still life and en plein air landscapes in oil.
Hua Zhang

Mr. Hua Zhang is a Chinese-American painter.
In 1982, he graduated from Central Academy of Arts, Beijing, China.
In 1983, he founded the new Department of Arts at Yunnan University in Kunming and was the first to teach fine arts there.
From 1985 to 1994, he held several solo art exhibitions in China and exhibited in the United States, Germany, Canada, Japan, Australia, and Thailand. In 1991, his expressionistic paintings were selected among all other paintings in exhibition to represent the cultural exchange between Kunming and its sister city of Wagga Wagga in Australia. In the same year, he had a successful solo art exhibition representing Kunming China sponsored by the Australian Government.
In 1994, he settled in the US. He experimented on contemporary art design, conducted seminars and created more art works. During this period, he participated in many more art exhibitions. His works are collected by cultural personalities, government agencies, corporations, and private collectors. Among them, the color painting "Matsu - Oriental Statue of Liberty" was acquired by the former U.S. President George W. Bush. During this period, he took several trips to New Orleans, Texas to design and paint large indoor murals for the U.S. Army Training Center.
Since 2001, he began to focus his efforts on teaching and painting.
1982年畢業於中國北京。中央工藝美術學院。 1983年為新建的雲南昆明大學創建工藝美術系,首任負責人並任教。 1985年至1994年多次在國內舉辦過多次個人畫展;在美國、德國、加拿大、日本、澳大利亞、泰國舉辦畫展。 1991年,意象繪畫作品,在眾多雲南畫家作品展示中,被選為昆明市與姐妹城市澳大利亞、瓦加瓦加市文化交流的唯一代表,同年由澳大利亞政府主辦,在該國成功地舉辦代表中國、昆明國家形象的個人畫展。 1994年定居美國。研習當代繪畫與設計的有關課題,從事教學及繪畫創作。在美國多個州的畫廊舉辦畫展。作品被文化界名人、政府機構、公司企業、私人收藏。其中,重彩畫【媽祖--東方自由女神】獲美國前總統喬治.布什先生收藏。在此期間,還數次為德州、新奧爾良州美國陸軍訓練中心設計、繪制大型室內壁畫。 2001年至今,主要從事教學及繪畫創作。