June 15, 2019 - July 19, 2019
CCACC Art Gallery held the Group Exhibit "Lines of Force", featuring eleven Artists from Amsterdam and Metropolitan Washington DC.
Participating Artists: Ferdinand Bertholet, Loi Che Chan, Hsiu-Hsuan Huang, Mark van Praagh, and Hannie Vonsée from Amsterdam, Netherland. Kit-Keung Kan, Myoung-Won Kwon, Rita Lewi, Howard and Mary McCoy, and Foon Sham from Metropolitan Washington DC, USA.
Exhibition Artwork
Ferdinand Bertholet, Netherlands

Loi Che Chan 陳耐持, Netherlands
Hsiu-Hsuan Huang, Netherlands
(Heart Sutra, book 般若波羅蜜多心經)

Mark van Praagh, Netherlands

Hannie Vonsée, Netherlands

Kit-Keung Kan 靳杰強

Myoung-Won Kwon 權明源

Rita Lewi 孫文影

Howard and Mary McCoy

Foon Sham 沈寬
Our Reception
About the Exhibit
Written by Dr. Kit-Keung Kan
Strokes, as lines rendered by brushes and pens, usually show the internal strength of the artists. From the earliest relics of cave drawings and human writings, one can already see the strength of the strokes. The scripts of oracle bones and on ancient silk fragments show the strength of strokes in early Chinese calligraphy. The early art theorist Xie He of China (in the fifth century, CE) placed the internal strength of the brush stroke as the most fundamental of all painting techniques. This aesthetic view influenced the art of the East to this day. We can also see the strength of the strokes in the West, ranging from its calligraphy in general to the work of many artists in the modern art movements, such as Paul Cézanne, Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Mark Tobey, Franz Kline, Robert Motherwell, Cy Twombly, etc., just to name a few. In this exhibition, the participating artists explore their visions of the lines with paintings, drawings, calligraphy, found objects and installations. They are indeed an embodiment of the Lines of Force.
Lines of Force also symbolize our friendship across the Atlantic. As a universal language, art is an excellent vehicle to meet friends with different cultural heritages. I was introduced to several Amsterdam artists when I participated in an exhibition in that city last year. As a common theme, they used brush strokes and empty space as their main elements in their work. The framework of the current exhibition was established when they accepted the invitation to show in CCACC Art Gallery. With this show, our friendship is widened to include more artists in both Amsterdam and Metropolitan Washington DC area. I hope this group will be further strengthened and will continue the exchanges that will result in greater artistic contributions.